Saturday, September 21st

Bible Reading 101 Workshop 10am - 3pm. Lunch will be provided.

**Sign up at the church or through Tony Kushner to reserve your spot.**

Grace Fellowship

Absarokee Foursquare Church

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“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.”

Hebrews 13:8

Welcome Home

“By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” John 13:35

Here at Grace Fellowship, we truly mean it when we say “Welcome Home,” and we are so glad to welcome you to our humble abode here in Stillwater County, Montana. No matter your background or walk of life, we know you will fit right in.

We are a group of every day people and Christ followers whom aim to model our lives in ways that honor Him well. We encourage one another, we speak the truth of God’s Word, and we seek wisdom and understanding that far surpasses our own.

We are families and singles. We are blue-collar workers, stay at home parents, business owners, and everything in between. We are all uniquely our own, yet we are all one in the body of Christ.

Whether you don’t yet know Him but are looking for answers, are a new believer, or have known our gracious and loving God your entire life - we cannot wait to share this journey with you and become fellow brothers and sisters of Christ.

Welcome Home.

About Our Service

Our Sunday service begins at 10:30 am and lasts approximately 90 minutes.

Everyone is welcome! We have people from all walks of life. We care about your soul, not what you’re wearing! Casual clothing is acceptable.

Please fill out a Contact Card if you are new or visiting so we can welcome you and include you in our communications.

We sing contemporary worship songs, led by our wonderful Worship Team of 10 spirit-filled musicians and church members.

We have a nursery available in the back of the sanctuary for infants and toddlers.

We have a wonderfully-led Kid’s ministry for kindergarten and up.

We share testimony and praise reports to hear how the Lord is moving in our lives!

The sermon is typically 45-60 minutes and we teach directly from the Word of God.

We practice open communion, meaning if you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior you are welcome and encouraged to partake in the elements of communion to acknowledge His sacrifice for us.

Our Prayer Team is available for anyone needing prayer after every service.

Instead of passing around an offering plate, we have a Tithes & Offering Box with envelopes located in the back of the church against the south wall.

We enjoy a time of Fellowship with coffee and treats after service. It’s a great time to meet and get to know your church family.

Access all our sermons on our PodBean site or in the app!

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Paddy field

Easy online giving available for recurring tithing & one-time offerings.

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Our Beliefs

What does “Foursquare” mean?

Our name reflects the unchanging ministry of Jesus Christ and our mission to declare it worldwide. The four squares represent the four scriptural roles of Jesus as Savior, Baptizer with the Holy Spirit, Healer and Soon-Coming King.

What makes Foursquare different?

Being a global church that spans hundreds of cultures requires flexibility in style and approach. But every Foursquare church around the world agrees on six foundational principles: kingdom partnerships, sound doctrine, empowering leadership, family relationships, Spirit empowerment and shared mission. These are called our Global Distinctives. It’s what makes us, us.

The Foursquare Global Distinctives

The global Foursquare community came together in 2012 to decide on Global Distinctives that we hold in common as a movement. We recognize Foursquare is expressed differently around the world. Whether meeting outdoors, in a school gym, in a tent, or in a complex, whether meeting on a Tuesday night or a Sunday morning, we all worship the same God and hold the same values.

The following Global Distinctives are what make The Foursquare Church around the world distinct as a movement and as a denomination.

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Global Distinctive 1: Kingdom Partnerships

We will work alongside other Christians and churches. We will be a distinct movement, but will also hold a collegial spirit and maintain a helpful and cooperative posture with whom we can partner in mission.

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Global Distinctive 2: Sound Doctrine

The Declaration of Faith of the Foursquare Church will guide our practice, church polity, and call of believers into the work of the Kingdom. It will be a biblical statement, apply to all members, and be the Declaration of Faith for all churches and all member nations. Its roots are deeply rooted in thee sole source of spiritual authority - the Word of God.

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Global Distinctive 3: Empowering Leadership

According to God’s gifting and calling, we will intentionally prepare and release men and women across generations and culture into all positions of leadership and areas of ministry.

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Global Distinctive 4: Family Relationships

We will relate to each other with love in our Global Family. We acknowledge that relationships are the heart of God’s Kingdom and will extend grace to fellow believers through ministry, cooperation and mutual submission in our global church.

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Global Distinctive 5: Spirit Empowerment

As a Spirit-filled movement, we will consistently minister the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, and teach and encourage believers to fully empress the gifts of the Spirit in their daily lives. We totally submit ourselves in obedience to the Spirit’s use of our lives and His miraculous works in our day.

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Global Distinctive 6: Shared Mission

We will focus our mission and ministry efforts on multiplying disciples, leaders, churches and national movements. Holding to God’s passion for the lost, we will seek a movement of evangelism, mercy ministries, contextualized church planting and mobilizing indigenous believers in ministry among all peoples.

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Looking for a brief summary of what it means to be Foursquare? Our simplified guide provides a quick and friendly introduction to the 22 tenets of faith of The Foursquare Church.

Since Foursquare began, we’ve stayed true to our doctrine and founding statement of faith. Though ways of doing church may change with time, cultures and contexts, our message remains anchored in God’s Word.

Meet Our Team

Justin Wayland

Senior Pastor

Justin is uncompromising when it comes to preaching the Word of God, and his strong leadership has been a blessing to our church and our community. He always makes himself available to those in need of counsel and is willing to answer the toughest questions we face as humans and as followers of Christ. His approach to teaching complex doctrine in a way anyone can understand is both humble and humorous. Justin has a special way of making everyone feel welcome and loved, whether having attended Grace Fellowship for years or the first time. Justin has a tremendous heart for the community he serves and understands the culture, having been a miner before answering God's call to become a pastor. Justin is a devoted husband to Ashlee, and a proud father of three - Jim, Gracey, and Jake. When he's not at the church, you'll probably find him at the high school baseball field or working on his golf game.

Rich Trees


Tyler Martin

Council Member

Vickie Jensen


Madison Yenny

Council Member

Sheri Spuhler

Council Member

Tony Kushner

Council Member

Worship Team

Our worship music consists of contemporary songs with rock and bluesy undertones--not too loud or crazy, but you definitely won’t fall asleep to our sweet sounds! Our talented team reflects the grace of God and helps lead the congregation in worship. We are a diverse group but all love Jesus!

Jamie, Worship Leader



Vocals & Keyboard


Vocals & Keyboard


Vocals & Keyboard


Electric Guitar, Vocals, ​& Drums




Guitar & Vocals


Sound Technician




Sound Technician



Stillwater River near Nye, Montana in western USA

Monthly Schedule





10:30 AM


Sunday Service

Grace Fellowship Church

9:30 AM


Resumes Sept 10th

Women’s Bible Study (Columbus)

Stillwater Youth Center

See Joanie Matovich

6:30 PM


Recovery Group

Stillwater Youth Center

See Joe Grover

7:00 PM


Resumes Sept 10th

Women’s Bible Study (Columbus)

Stillwater Youth Center

See Joanie Matovich



Resumes Sept 18th

Women’s Bible Study (Absarokee)

MainStreet Commons

See Vickie Jensen

6:00 PM


Home Group (Absarokee)

Rich & Carol Trees’ Home

6:30 PM



Women’s Alpha Group

Stillwater Youth Center

7:00 PM


Men’s Bible Study

Stillwater Youth Center

See Tyler Martin

6:00 PM


Home Group (Columbus)

Tony & Jamie Kushner’s Home


Contact us brown label


One tenth or tithe is basis on which Bible teaches us to give one tenth of first fruit to God. coins with Holy Bible. Biblical concept of Christian offering, generosity, and giving tithes in church.

Skip the paper checks and the offering box, and submit your tithes online in recurring or one-time donations. Contribute to special missions or fundraising efforts. Thank you for your faithful support!

Christian group praying for globe and people around the world on wooden table with bible. Christian small group praying together around a wooden table with bible page in homeroom.

Join us in embracing the very essence of our Foursquare identity – that of being loving neighbors who extend compassion and the good news of Jesus to every corner of the world.

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Join our email list to get communications, announcements, email prayer requests, and other information to stay in the know.

People Holding Hands for Prayer

Use our online submission to request prayer for yourself or others. Our prayer team will pray over your situation and your request will be sent our in our Prayer Group via email. Option to request counseling if needed.

Young woman typing on a tablet computer

The Foursquare Church sends out regular emailed newsletters to keep you up to date with our latest happenings. Select which topics you want to receive, and subscribe for updates in your inbox.

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Find resources, updates and videos from the Foursquare community.

Sign up for free quarterly devotionals or for a monthly subscription with a donation of any amount.

Browse a variety of topics in the form of blog posts, devotionals, call to prayer, sermons, testimonies, & more!

Got Feedback For Us?

Whether you have general feedback for the church, direct feedback for Pastor Justin, or feedback for our website developer, please use the link below to submit your comments or questions.

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